
What Are the Symptoms of a Bad Timing Belt?

At Mad Hatter Auto Repair, with locations serving the communities of Omaha, NE and Council Bluffs, IA, we understand that your car is a crucial part of your daily life. In this post, we will focus on a key component that often gets unnoticed until it’s too late — the timing belt

Why Is My A/C Not Cooling Down My Car?

Believe it or not summer IS right around the corner and we have been getting a taste of it here lately. The last thing you need in the Midwest is your car turning into a sauna on wheels. As the temps rise, so does the importance of a fully functioning air conditioning system in your car.

Are My Struts Bad?

Have Bad Struts? Council Bluff’s Suspension Repair Specialists Does My Car Have Bad Struts? One of your car’s most crucial components is its vehicle suspension system. This system maximizes the friction between the road and your vehicle’s four tires. This ensures you don’t feel every bump in the road and also increases your car’s stability. […]

How Do I Know My Suspension is Bad?

The suspension system of a car is like the shoes of an athlete: it absorbs impacts, maintains contact with the ground, and supports the frame through all movements. When there’s an issue with this important component, driving comfort, safety, and vehicle control can all be threatened.

How Do I Know What is Leaking Under My Car?

A mysterious leak under your car can be worrisome. In this blog, we will help you determine and address common types of fluid leaks from your vehicle. Understanding the nature and the location of where the leak is coming from is essential

How Do I Know if My Car Suspension is Bad?

Driving on the bumpy roads around the city can be tough, but when you hear stange sounds coming from your car, it makes things even more concerning. Your vehicle’s suspension system helps keep your car’s ride smooth, quiet and keeps your car steady when you drive.

What are the Signs of Engine Trouble?

Your check engine light is on and you cannot shift into gear. You become increasingly concerned you are having engine trouble with your car and are faced with the decision to replace or repair your engine. It’s definitely not something any driver wants to be faced with.

Alignment vs. Balance

Wheel Alignment vs. Balance Our Certified Mechanics Can Do Both! Wheel Alignment vs. Balance: Which Does Your Car Need? Oftentimes, many car owners will hear the phrases “tire alignment” and “wheel balance” thrown around in their local car alignment shop. But what do these two phrases really mean and how can you tell which service […]

How Can I Tell if My Car Needs a Wheel Alignment?

A wheel alignment is like giving your car a special check-up to make sure everything is in good shape. It’s important for a few reasons, and in this blog, we’ll explain them in a quick and simple way..

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